Soon, Tomorrow Maybe
The phone rings and the show begins. Over the course of a one-hour phone call, the audience converses with a woman who says she is your mother. A meditation on post-partum depression and the ambivalence of parenthood.
Production Credits
Produced by: Théâtre Déchaînés Created, Written and Directed by: Marie Ayotte Cast: Alexandra Bandean, Natalie Tannous or Leigh Ann Taylor Translation: Magenta Baribeau Design: China Marsot-Wood Production History
Théâtre Déchaînés: Montreal, Quebec, September-October 2021.
Read more in PLAY: Dramaturgies of Participation: PHONES, ENCOUNTER
“Of the many creative adaptions to lockdown life, one extremely successful pivot was the play Tantôt, demain peut-être.”
- Montreal Rampage
- Montreal Rampage