Shadow Sign for Bedroom Protest: What I Dare To Do In the Dark by Upintheair Theatre, Art Action Earwig, and rEvolver
A Zoom workshop/gathering to make shadow and/or voice protest signs.
Attended virtually on May 26, 2021.
Attended virtually on May 26, 2021.
Conceived and Facilitated by Minah Lee
Conceived and Facilitated by Wryly Andherson
Web Development by GunWoo Kim
Produced by Art Action Earwig (Vancouver)
‘What do you do when we need climate rallies while staying in our bubbles?’
This Zoom workshop/gathering empowers our actions and celebrates our strengths, despite many forms of isolation we live through. You will make shadow and/or voice protest signs you can share with the world from your bedroom. During our time together, we will also hang out at WWW Po-tent City, an interactive website in development, inviting open-minded humans to participate in diversifying climate actions online. Through your creative activities, the website provides spaces for the Po-tent citizens to dwell on. We invite rEvolver21 goers to Shadow Sign for Bedroom Protest: What I Dare To Do In The Dark. Refugees welcome!
Conceived and Facilitated by Wryly Andherson
Web Development by GunWoo Kim
Produced by Art Action Earwig (Vancouver)
‘What do you do when we need climate rallies while staying in our bubbles?’
This Zoom workshop/gathering empowers our actions and celebrates our strengths, despite many forms of isolation we live through. You will make shadow and/or voice protest signs you can share with the world from your bedroom. During our time together, we will also hang out at WWW Po-tent City, an interactive website in development, inviting open-minded humans to participate in diversifying climate actions online. Through your creative activities, the website provides spaces for the Po-tent citizens to dwell on. We invite rEvolver21 goers to Shadow Sign for Bedroom Protest: What I Dare To Do In The Dark. Refugees welcome!
- Art Action Earwig / Vancouver / Online (Zoom) / 19 May & 26 May, 2021.